Day 8…

What a freaking lovely day today was.  I drove with a crabby hungover hubby for 3 hours round trip to run an errand.  I laughed and teased him that I felt great.  He has cut way back since I have stopped, but the night before he hung with the bff.  I told him to come to bed at 10:30 pm, he had to get up early since he need to run this said errand. He said I’m fine. I said ok, but you are gonna regret it.  Well I was right, of course.  He said I should have forced him…lol that never worked with me.  Anyhow…It’s soooooo nice that out of the last 55 days that I started this journey that 54 of my mornings were amazing feel good mornings.  Alas, I reset my counter due to the fact I felt like shit the morning after the 4th of July and Belle’s challenge invite. So no use in mourning that reset.  It really cemented my desire to be free of alcohol.  I needed that harsh reality that the true journey of my life has no space for booze. I found out today that hubs had talked to his Dad yesterday about his cutting back and my quitting all together.  There, I guess that takes the pressure out of the upcoming vacation with them.  I was worried about the temptations of vacation wolfie, but it sooooo makes it easier when people know you quit.  There is zero shame in putting that beast down.  Oh, but being a lush with your kids around the in-laws, well that mother of the year material….not!

So we drove home, went to an awesome lunch.  I had the most amazing raspberry chipotle chicken salad, no dressing needed.  Then came home did chores, played wii for hours with the kiddies.  All while poor hubs tried to nap off his hangover, but couldn’t cuz kids were so loud and happy playing with me.  Awwwww…not sorry for you:-)! Later we got some pizza and took kids and dog to park to play as the sun went down.  My muscles were sore from my new exercise kick, but I didn’t mind as I ran around playing hide and seek.  Had I still been drinking the voodoo vino, I would not have had this productive Saturday. I would have been on the couch sipping away tonight instead of going to the park enjoying my kids and the lovely summer evening. Ummm yeah…best decision ever made…quitting the hooch!

5 thoughts on “Day 8…

  1. Your nighttime conversation with hubby sounds familiar. Mine is always up too late which makes him not as helpful as he could be the following evening during that dreaded get-the-kids-to bed time.
    Here’s to productive weekends!

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